《东庄图》之朱樱径 160x190cm 布面油画
这劼音,性情内润而朗静外溢、才思涌奔而冷峻自持。为师、为友、为兄。数十载,持彩笔,绘心象。若胄甸醉眠芯蕾烂灿“青花”一朵。不管浪疯花骚、鬓篷无松, 兀自稳坐舟中且慢摇,渐入霞天香浓“兰屋”岛。只引得众看官,懒眼朦胧又用几回脑。“春山清晓”“山居图”卷展开为师的随心放漾、清闲自在、任意淹留快意漕。揽不住为友心源之马,直奔魏晋七贤,明阳竹林那条道。天籁仙音、月朗风清、万顷松阴、翠叠瀑边、乱红深处、操琴品萧,早已声声化入为兄“青峰凌宵”。只见得:“山河里”“秋山独秀”“古刹黄昏”“红土映天”实在的好。
Zhu Ying Jing
——What I think, feel and act during the creating process
The painting Zhu Ying Jing (Zhu Ying Jing Path) arouses my reflection on the topic of art characteristics and language. Someone believes that language serves as more than a simply expression tool. It is closely related to the culture psychology and think mode of a nation. To learn a culture, one probably should start from the language. The abandonment of the language means giving up the tradition and history, thus giving up the cultural gene that we live on. I totally agree with this point of view. And I also notice that a few artists pay attention to this topic too.
As a matter of fact, Chinese language and its writing system have made great contribution to preserve the culture for human beings. Take Chinese character Qi as an example. Qi could mean a kindly of spiritual communication, a living experience or simply the life itself. Chinese has a profound tradition of understanding Qi. We start from the nature and the culture, turning Qi to be a diverse platform. As a result, in Chinese language you will find more than 350 kinds of Qi, including Ao Qi (pride), Cai Qi (talent), Fo Qi (Buddha-nature), Gui Qi (ghost), Fu Qi (corrupt), Huo Qi (rage), Lao Qi (old-fashioned), Ying Qi (female), Yang Qi (male), etc., which reflect almost all the conditions of life.
The famous professor of Fudan University Mr. Gu Xiaoou once said, “the essence of Chinese culture psychology is actually rooted in the Chinese language.”
The famous scholar Xie Mian also said, “The current situation of Chinese language is worrying. The society is rapidly developing, while the contemporary Chinese are leaving the splendid Chinese civilization behind with each passing day.” We cannot ignore the severe situation indeed.
The respect and preservation of Chinese language not only lies in the protection and development of expression tools, but also depends on the respect to the spirit of national culture. My Dongzhuang Drawings exactly shows my respect and appreciation of this spirit.
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